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We’re taking part in the Brave Noise movement!!
The Park Brewery is proud to announce that Brave Noise – Pale Ale is now available. Brave Noise is a global collaboration on a mission to create a safe and discrimination-free Beer Industry. To help raise awareness, breweries across the globe are being asked to join in a collaborative brew called Brave Noise with a percentage of profits going to charity.
What’s the beer like?
Each brewery taking part has to follow the same recipe to the letter. A smooth pale ale with tropical flavours and a coconut undertone. A feel good, easy-drinking beer, dry-hopped with the amazing Mosaic and Sabro hops. It will be available in 440ml can, keg and cask.
Helping the community
In-line with the Brave Noise movement, a portion of the profits from The Park Brewery’s BraveNoise – Pale Ale will be donated to local charity, Kingston Women’s Centre:
Kingston Women’s Centre welcome women from all backgrounds and all ages from the local community. They aim to provide a safe confidential space where women can talk about anything painful in their lives without fear or judgement. They have some great plans ahead, which we hope we can support with this campaign.
So, what’s the story with Brave Noise?
Brave Noise is advocating for safe spaces and inclusive environments in the global beer industry. It’s doing so by requesting breweries be transparent with their policies and commit to long-term work. What started out as a simple question on Brienne Allan (formerly of Notch Brewing, Massachusetts) Instagram story:
“Have you ever experienced sexism in the beer industry?” quickly became the inquiry that sent shockwaves throughout the beer industry subsequently inspiring a BEVOLUTION.
To keep the momentum going; to honour those who have spoken out about their gender discrimination, racism, sexual assault, and harassment; and to bring further awareness to the issues that women, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ individuals face in craft beer, we wanted to be involved.
When we started the brewery in 2014, Frankie says, “As a woman rolling up my sleeves, getting stuck in on a brew-day, packing beer, driving trucks around, delivering cask ale to pubs, selling it etc, wasn’t always easy. Occasionally, made harder by patronising or unpleasant comments. It can bash your confidence. But I was lucky to be supported by my husband, Josh, also Co-Founder and I know that others have had far worse experiences without that support, which is why I want to be part of this campaign and help us move along collectively, to a better place. We’re lucky our team are progressive, forward thinking men and women with an even 50/50, male/female split, which is unusual in this industry and we’re really proud of that. But there’s always more to do in terms of diversity and inclusion which is why you have to keep these conversations and initiatives very much alive, and front of mind.”
To date 9 UK breweries are joining the Brave Noise movement and 184 in US/Canada and NZ. For more information and to see which other breweries are taking part, visit: https://www.bravenoisebeer.com
Our own code of conduct can be found here: