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DONATE NOW!! We’re raising funds to protect people affected by the humanitarian crisis
As a new humanitarian crisis unfolds, our thoughts are with the people of Afghanistan during this troubling time. It may not be making front page news so much lately (thanks to the petrol crisis) but it’s still happening.
That’s why we’re now raising funds for local charity, Refugee Action Kingston. When you place an order through our webshop, you have the option to donate to this charity at checkout. We urge you to support them in supporting refugees in our area.
Refugee Action Kingston exist to support refugees as they integrate into their new community, working in Kingston and neighbouring boroughs. The money we raise through our website will help RAK continue their vital services to help vulnerable people in our local area.
If you’d like to find out more about the services your donations will be supporting please click here.
We hope you can help us reach our target of £1000. It’s a subject that is close to our hearts and hopefully yours as well.