PBK investment opportunity

2024 was an exciting time for The Park Brewery.  We opened our first bar restaurant.  It’s been a rollercoaster ride and we’ve loved seeing so many locals supporting and enjoying our second home.

This year is huge for us as we begin smoothing out the edges and optimising this great new venue into something truly special and then replicate the formula elsewhere.  The major hard graft has been done, we know we’ve got the right place, now we need to make some simple tweaks and improvements to max it out. Award winning beer for an award-winning venue? 

To do this, we need the help of our brilliant investors and friends in the community.  We need to raise additional capital for some finishing touches to the fabric of the site and make it more efficient, and therefore, more profitable.

How much do we need?

Up to £70k

What for?

  • Working Capital – Get back to break-even (which we believe we can achieve in 3 months)
  • Expand Capacity – Create an attractive outdoor seating area, which will increase our capacity by approximately 20 people
  • Marketing – implement our marketing plans to include social media influencers, digital media campaigns, local radio and print media
  • Events budget –Find the best formula for the space and repeat, as well as create a calendar of original and fun filled events for the community
  • Staff – we have stripped it back, but we need to slowly rebuild a solid team
  • Maintenance – Some minor works and decoration 

To help us plan this round, please indicate on this form how you would like to contribute.  We would like to close the form mid-February and close the round at the end of February.



Thanks so much for your support

Frankie & Josh

The Park Brewery © 2021